Partner with RIPE Capital

Join the RIPE Capital Affiliate Program and play a pivotal role in transforming the music investment landscape. Share a link with your friends, and earn a commission from every successful referral.

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How it works

Sign in
Log in using your email account. It's quick and hassle-free.
Share Your Unique Link
Spread the word! Share your dedicated affiliate link on your preferred channels or directly with friends.
Get the Rewards
Every time someone you've referred makes an investment, you secure a piece of the pie.

Why Choose the RIPE Capital Affiliate Program?

CompEtitive commisSions
Earn a share from the investments of those you refer.
Payout Flexibility
Choose between fiat or crypto payouts.
Unlimited Earnings Potential
There's no ceiling to your earnings with RIPE Capital.

RIPE Capital: Your Trusted Affiliate Partner

Regulated & Transparent Operations
We are a US-based company.
Dedicated Customer Assistance
We're here to support you every step of the way.
Seamless User Experience
Our platform is designed for intuitive navigation and user engagement.
Ripe Capital is an investment platform for tokenized music royalties, allowing artists to monetize their work and investors to access a diversified asset portfolio.